from letters to a young heart

Consider this well: how can an object make you happy? How can anything outside of ”you” make you happy? No one can make you anything. You, the Bodily Being, make the Happiness; it arises in you. It is the same principle for unhappiness. 
— Sri Yanchiji

Beloved Heart, whatever else you do during the time of the body’s existence, be involved whole-heartedly in the Yoga of Self-Understanding. 

And what is Self-Understanding? Most fundamentally it is the Process of Self-enquiry into the Source of Happiness, Happiness meaning the Source of Bodily Love. 

It is an enquiry that takes you beyond the personal-mind-self. Why be involved in this Great Self Inquiry? 
Most fundamentally, because the worldly qualified self, the conditioned by the world self, the world’s categories self (the father/mother self, the son /daughter self, the nationality self, the religion self, the failed self, the successful self - okay, I have made it clear) is a ‚”self” limited to the mind. 
It is not the Truth of You and therefore that self does not understand the Source of Happiness, the Source of Love. 

To be asleep or unenlightened to the Source of Happiness, the Source of Love, is to depend on conditions to ”make” us happy, to make us feel loved. This is the conventional practice, the practice of relying on another or on some condition to generate Happiness or Love in the body-mind. 
This is the practice of the personal-mind-self, which is the source of fear, anxiety, guilt, shame and blame. 

Consider this well: how can an object make you happy? How can anything outside of ”you” make you happy? No one can make you anything. You, the Bodily Being, make the Happiness; it arises in you. It is the same principle for unhappiness. 

However, it seems most individuals staunchly resist this Self-Responsibility. 

Yet, this is the Root or the Radical Foundation of Spiritual Practice. 
Spiritual Practice is not about learning or adding some method or technique or knowledge to the personal-mind-self, even though that’s exactly want the fearful greedy personal-mind-self wants. It absolutely wants to stay in charge. It likes to think it thinks for itself. Now, have you wondered what ”self” that is? 

Spiritual Self Enquiry (Spiritual Practice) has nothing more to do with physical forms of yoga than it does with walking, swimming, tai chi or sitting in a yogic posture. To suggest you have to do one or other form of yoga to Realise the True Nature of the body-mind is misleading, let alone suggesting it IS Spiritual Practice. 

These various body-mind ”activities” are natural healthy functions for the body-mind. Furthermore, for those who are genuinely devoted to growing out of the personal-mind-self, the purpose of these yogic and meditative disciplines is to establish the personal-mind-self in steadfast detachment from its own bias, in order to begin and endure a sustained enquiry into the Reality of the body-mind. 

However, if there is not a conviction and enduring commitment to the Enquiry into and Union with the Nature of Reality, and therefore the True Nature or Unconditional-Self of the body-mind, then you are left with perpetual meditation on the body-mind: the personal-mind-self. It is still all about you. 

What has happened to us that we have come to depend on conditions to provoke us to ”make” the Happy in our Bodily Self Being? Yes, the Bodily Being You ”makes” the Happy. You, the Unconditional Being, generate the Joy, the Love. 

You are literally disempowering the Great Self when you depend on or rely on someone or some condition to make you stimulate love or happiness.
When the Source of your Happiness is outside of you, then it will, sooner or later, be the Source of your unhappiness. 

Beloved Heart, be Aware of this modern age of sanitised spirituality. Yes, many things are good to do and make you feel good and happy. However, your meditation, your yoga, your symbols, your aura-stretching cosmic beliefs, your steadfast opinions, your holy books and beads do not touch the fear!! In fact, they avoid it. 

Ask your self: does this yoga, does this meditation, does this enquiry touch the fear? Or are they no more or less than common consumerism - things and ways, beliefs and activities and conversations that ”make” you feel good? All these things and practices that make you feel good - do they touch the fear? 
What is the fear? 
The fear IS the personal-mind-self. 

Beloved Heart, never give up. I will never give up in You. 
It is the Self of Love, the State of Love. It is You - not any other worldly-assigned self - that I provoke in you. 
Your True Self will soften you, it will create vulnerability in you. It will overwhelm your hurts, your seeking, your defence, your wanting approval and needing to prove.  

It will only motivate you further to help the Renunciate Heart in Tushita Heart Hermitage to Serve others, even in the face of those who do not acknowledge you, those whom you may feel abuse you and yes, those whom you feel are ungrateful. Love feels All and rises again and again. 
The personal-self-mind gets sick of trying and Wisdom is left alone again. 

It is Love - not just love for someone or something. No, it is Love It Self.