Tushita Mystery School

Tushita Mystery School offers retreats and courses for anyone who is wanting to explore how they are living. It has grown out of the devotional response of students to the Way of Life that Tushita Hermitage represents.

The Tushita Mystery School is dedicated to the advancement of love, service, cooperation, and understanding, in relation to all beings and all dimensions of society.
It is founded in the realization of the holistic human being, and is therefore committed to drawing out the innate gifts towards humanity and all nature that every one of us comes with.

The fundamental aim of the Mystery School is to stimulate and draw out the unique gifts each person comes into this life with. It is not about superimposing another belief system, religion or social programme onto an individual, but rather about helping individuals towards an empowering and satisfying enjoyment of their own purpose of Being.

You can read more and see retreats being offered by clicking on the link below: