from lockdown to wake up

Now, as always, breathe and move and be still with full energy (Love), endurance (Courage), confidence (Self-Trust), compassion (Forgiveness for all) and gratitude (to want for nothing) - all the Qualities of your Essential Nature. 
— Sri Yanchiji

The word “Dharma” is used liberally and mostly with a misguided understanding of its meaning. The word is generally used by a seeker to indicate the concepts and precepts of a religious or spiritual life. People are often heard to say, “he or she is speaking the Dharma.” What does that mean? 

We all know someone can “speak” about love and behavioural concepts without the qualities of Love Living them. Just as a politician can “speak” about socially acceptable moral behaviour without him or her actually living what they are talking about. There is an old saying that goes something like, ”politicians and priests talk in order to disguise what they are actually thinking...”

Closer to the core meaning of the word Dharma, or what it is pointing to, is our “Essential Characteristic” meaning our “Essential Nature.” The Dharma is your Essential Nature, your Essential Characteristic. What is your Essential Nature? 
Your Essential Nature or Characteristic is the Force of Love and therefore the urge to Love. 

There is the Way of Life, the Way of Nature (your Essential Characteristic) that all primal creatures and plants adhere to. One could say that is the One Reality Level. However, we humans have created another level, a fictitious level, which we impose on the Way of Life and therefore on our Self. For example, our money system, our systems of religion, our national border systems, our belief systems and so on - these are all fictitious levels of “reality,” yet it is from this spurious level the voices of authority emanate. 

Much political, academic conceptual apparatus is designed to distract us and blind us to our Essential Nature. For example, the term “unreal” is often used to stigmatise any understanding not drawn from the conventional counterfeit level of authority - mainstream materialism. We have become so saturated in the murky swamp of political economic materialism that many people believe the fact that we all have this Essential Nature to be “unreal.”

Both materialistic mechanised greed and its high priests of ideological imperialism incubate and propagate the most contagious virus of all, the ego virus, which has led us to pass over and forget our Essential Nature, the Real Force of the Body. We have neglected and abused our esoteric nervous system, the Real strength of the Body. 

What is chiefly needed in drawing out and dealing with the practical application of Life’s Wisdom – our Essential Nature – is a public well-educated in the Laws of Nature and therefore submitted to the Laws of Nature: becoming Self-Responsible. 

Let us be sober and accept it is a characteristic of new ways of thinking, new ways of co-operating and new understandings of our Self, to have unexpected and not always pleasant consequences. But, that is all they are, the discomfort of old habits being confronted. This being so, what is needed more than anything are individuals who are devoted to the Way of Life and ready to Stand Up for the Truth Reality, rather than mere self-concerned interpreters of It. 
If there are not those ready to Wake Up and Stand Up for the Way of Life, there will always be those ready to amplify fear and self-doubt and blame. 

We are far too skilled at putting up conceptual screens to protect us from seeing our underlying disowning of Self-Responsibility. The all-pervasive disease of egoic ideological imperialism and the “I am allowed to do what I like” attitude has invaded our bodily system and is so often spewed out in cleverly camouflaged intellectual arguments in support of avoiding Self-Responsibility for our Essential Nature and Bodily health. 

The fundamental quarrel or difficulty many people have with Spiritual Life (the Way of Living and engaging with each other from our Essential Nature) is the struggle to shift the focus of attention away from mortal fear (or the body/mind person identity) and all its self-concerns and early life emotional dramas that still haunt people. Of course, we do not know our Essential Nature while still pandering to our own early life misfortunes and hurts. That is the ultimate lockdown!! 

What’s more, while we are addicted to our own story and the search for release, we are no different to any addict; we are ready to believe whatever will benefit our self-consoling tendencies and self- satisfaction, and we will swap and change as the search dictates. 

Sweet Beloved Young Heart, keep your personality but use it impersonally. That is, in the Way of self-transcending Love. Your Essential Nature is the Source of your diverse creativity. Never give up on Your Essential Nature Self. 

Go beyond the borders of your self-concerns and ask big questions: for example, How do I Live without certainty, how do I Love without certainty and yet not be paralysed by fear? 

Beloved Heart, do not let fear paralyse your originality, your Essential Character. Do not let the rigidity of fear and self-doubt soak into your Spirit, into your Essential Nature. 

Mind-altering, interesting, exciting, invigorating and awe inspiring Spiritually orientated conversations can take place when our Essential Nature is at the forefront - not merely our wishes and wants. 

With our Essential Nature Awake and Activated, we become a people who engage with each other in order to strengthen the Force of Love, the Force of our Essential Characteristic. We want to know how strong that Force is and how to Live it in this world with all others. Our conversations are far less concerned with our worldly troubles and self-sorrows and blame. 

There have always been threats to bodily survival in this realm: epidemics, famine and violence. Famine and violence have long been the threat to bodily survival for millions of poor people, as they are now and long before this present threat. 

Beware, My Love, of the great contagion fear. It will attack your Essential Characteristic and weaken your immune system. 

Now, as always, breathe and move and be still with full energy (Love), endurance (Courage), confidence (Self-Trust), compassion (Forgiveness for all) and gratitude (to want for nothing) - all the Qualities of your Essential Nature. 

Dearest You Young Heart, do not be discouraged by perhaps your own fear or failure or self-doubt. Every human, every creature is intrinsically worthy of love and honour. 

Use this wonderful time to be still and Wake Up to your Essential Nature. 

In the Love of Your Life 