The One Great Illumined Lineage

When one Truly understands and begins to redirect their attention to the Spiritual Reality of this existence, of their own body-mind, there is no need to make distinctions between those who exist at every level of absorption in God the Real: the Spiritual Reality. Distinctions made by the individual are for the sake of their own divisions and differences within the methods of their own particular search.
— Sri Yanchiji

In this essay, or in any written or spoken words, I am not able to give a conventional conclusive description of the One Truth of the many and various Spiritual Sages, Mystics and Adepts in any exhaustive detail. However, I will attempt to give a summary/outline of the altitude, shall we say, of absorption and hence the manner in which these Women and Men convey, teach or instruct. In other words, as an example, people who climb Everest are all on the same mountain. Some climb to base camp, some to the next stage and some go further. Each one Realises (or Experiences) whatever is to be Realised at that Stage; however, they are on the same mountain. Mountain is Mountain. Ideology is any one’s idea.

Such Women and Men who have submitted themselves (or are submitting themselves) to the rigours of ego-death and hence Spiritual Realisation (at each stage) are to be recognised, honoured, respected and understood relative to their unique, incomparable and most often eccentric degree of absorption in the One Spiritual Reality. There is no need to make distinctions or comparisons when one understands they are all, to one degree or another, whole-bodily involved in Communion with the One Spirit. It is the seeker in us that is always arguing the difference. The True Devotee of the Spiritual Real is stable.

The True Spiritual Devotee is, by definition, in constant recognition of the Spiritual Reality of their Spiritual Master (the One who has initiated them into the Great Relationship with and in the Spiritual Reality of this existence) and therefore, would also See or Recognise the Divine or Spiritual-Being of all creatures by the Integrity and Potency of that Relationship. This includes recognition of the Ishta-Guru of others, along with all the various stages of Spirit Identity represented by Yogis, Sages, Mystics and Renunciates -descriptions, if you will, of the various degrees of absorption in the Spiritual Reality of this existence.

When one understands the Spiritual process is not one of achieving anything, not one of saving the individual ego-self and its desires, but a process of Love Surrender into the Master Spirit of all, then one begins to understand we do not have to decide: is it the Yogi or is it the Sage? Or is it the Mystic - which one do I believe?

When one Truly understands and begins to redirect their attention to the Spiritual Reality of this existence, of their own body-mind, there is no need to make distinctions between those who exist at every level of absorption in God the Real: the Spiritual Reality. Distinctions made by the individual are for the sake of their own divisions and differences within the methods of their own particular search. Before we Truly Understand and Awaken to the always Present, overwhelming Love of the One and Only Spiritual Nature of all, we tend to look for teachers who will satisfy our search for the Truth… somewhere in the future, someone we can put our Faith in, rather than our Self.

If we would only Understand, rather than making egoic-based distinctions and divisions between Kundalini teachers, Yogis, Sages, Mystics, Renunciates and Guru, we would be much better able to See that they all Serve, to one degree or another, the different stages or levels of our continued absorption into the Spiritual Real of the body-mind and all of us.

Much of the problem or difficulty we have relative to Spiritual Practice (the redirection of attention to the Spirit Nature of all) is our worldly or conditionally implanted fear- based urgency and our sense of aloneness in the way of self-endeavour. This is the egoic way, the frightful way, the win or lose way - the way wherein you do it, you get it. Not the Way wherein the State of Inherent Love does IT. That is a complete revolution, a radical redirection of attention.

That is the Way of all those Women and Men who have progressively Fallen in Love with the Process of Love or the Spiritual Real.

Love is the Great Freely Creative Force of existence. And, as the Artistic Energy and Urge of our body-mind knows, for the Free Creative Energy or the Spiritual-Self to Live us, It has to be free of the taint of selling It-Self for others’ approval. It has to be free of our worldly wounds of guilt and shame, and the entire tribe of worldly identities we allow to browbeat us into being lesser Beings.

The Way of Love or the Spiritual Reality has been proclaimed by countless Women and Men. There have always been those among us who have Lived in an active disposition of self-control and self-giving service within the SpiritualDevotional Reality. They are usually not understood and most often rejected because they do not uphold the depravity of our worldly morals and values.

Most individuals want and expect the Spirit Yogi, the Spirit Mystic, the Spirit Wisdom Sage, the Spirit Adept merely to confirm and support their preferred worldly identity and its values and desires. You know, a wonderful approving blessing with all the words of another culture (especially if they sound exotic, magical, shamanistic and come with the clashing of cymbals and drums and a hum …… and not that we know what is said……it’s just good fun!!)

Beloved Hearts, it’s not the Way of It. All those who are Awakened to any degree of God-Consciousness, Universal Consciousness, Love Consciousness are, to one degree or another, eccentric, paradoxical and often seemingly (to the conventional mind or person) quite mad. They may appear benign at times, seemingly accustomed to the culture they appear in - perhaps giving the appearance of a goodly amount of domestication. However, in their Divine Love (or Crazy Wisdom) they are not necessarily comfortable with social conventions and expectations. Oh, they will do it but watch out!

They are not “made fit” to civilise the Human Spirit. To civilise the Human Spirit is tantamount to Spiritual thievery. And Spiritual thievery is to lose all Faith in Self. To lose all Faith in Self is to let other people decide whether you are happy or not. To lose Faith in one’s Being is reflected in us wanting others to see and make it right for us. Ah, a once thriving Spirit reduced to beggary and emptiness. To lose Faith in our Self, our Great Spirit Self, is to lose our Greatest Friendship - the Friendship with our Self. Ah, those who have a Loving Friendship with their Spirit-Self have no need to judge others. With Faith in Your Spirit-Self, Your Nature’s Given Self, you can easefully embrace all of Gracious Nature’s Life Urges of the Bodily Being and allow others the same.

The Spiritual Process (that is already and always the Process of all existence) is not merely a well-fitting accompaniment to our conventional way of living. It is not a support for the world of egoic body-consciousness. The entire Way, from beginning on and on without end, is based in the Love Intuitive Recognition of the Spiritual Unity of all, that permits one to Live the body-mind as a Love Sacrifice in that Unity rather than a separate-self-directed endeavour for independence.

Spiritual Life is the Realisation of Bodily Communion as the True Condition already. And it is only the Realisation of Present Bodily Communion that makes possible True Human Community.

Beloved Sweet Heart

You are a hidden Treasure
and You Love to be Known
and to Recognise and Companion
those of the same Complexion.

Stop and Listen.
Stop and See again.
Stop and Recognise the Illumined Lineage
of Your Bodily Being

May You always Communicate
the Love and Beauty
of Your Ancient Heart Self
You are the Gift of Life

You have come into this world
as the Beloved Expression of the Beloved Master
and Servant of Your own calling
to Love and be Loved by those who recognize You in Truth
and forever remain a Mystery.

May You always allow the Heart to outshine what others want to make You.
And may You always Love and Cherish the journey
of Your Human Body
It is Yours to Live and for no one else to control.

You are the Body of Nature
and Being so, You are the Body of Love.
It is ultimately Yours to Realise in Love
and to forgive those who do not understand.