What is my responsibility?

I replied that my responsibility and her responsibility are the same. That is, to live and speak as close to one’s unlimited-Self as possible.
— Sri Yanchiji

A student asked me what her responsibility was relative to a function in the Hermitage. “Am I responsible for making sure this or that happens and do I do this or that?” she asked. “What exactly is my responsibility?”

The common meaning of responsibility is one attached to conditional roles and positions and so forth. For example “I am a teacher or I am in charge of a project so I am responsible for saying what’s what and who does this and who can come or go and so forth.” We also want our conditional responsibilities clarified by some “higher conditional authority” in order to prevent anyone else interfering with our status. In any case, responsibility is almost always associated with conditional positions of authority or status or what one is “entitled” to do or not do.

I replied that my responsibility and her responsibility are the same. That is, to live and speak as close to one’s unlimited-Self as possible.

Humans can either interact with each other on the basis and expression (through their eye-to-eye and emotion-to-emotion contact with each other) of their Inherently unlimited Life-Giving Self Intelligence and Grace (unlimited, and, therefore, not contaminated with their childhood experiences), or they can (and, seemingly always do by habit) interact with each other on the basis and expression of their earlier life withdrawal into the singular-self phenomenon and therefore blight every human-to-human meeting with their own peculiar inferiority complex.

It does not matter what you are doing or what “position” or “function” you bodily serve, it is a matter of whether you serve through your unlimited Self or your limited self.
You may very well intellectually know the “Teaching” and be able to speak it and explain it very well. But is it given through your body/mind in the Primal Grace- Energy of the impersonal or unlimited One?

The “Teaching” IS the Unlimited Self.